at YWAM Lausanne, where YWAM training started.
University of the Nations
We are a primarily a launch pad for missionaries. However, something that is on our heart is to practically equip these missionaries to share the Gospel. From this desire came the first training program at YWAM Lausanne five decades ago.
Later, the University of the Nations was birthed from that expression of learning in YWAM. As a campus of the UofN, we offer multiple courses where students can become better equipped for missions and grow in their walk with God.

Our Courses
We are passionate about equipping people to grow in their relationship with God. For over fifty years we've seen God move in incredible ways of personal transformation and spiritual growth. We continue to run multiple courses each year from Bible courses to rural community development training.

Discipleship Training School
The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is the fundamental course in all of our training. It's a Christian training program with 3 months of lectures that prepare you for a 2 month missions outreach. During a DTS students experience personal growth, Biblically-based foundational teaching, and travel to share Gospel. This program shows you how to build an intimate relationship with God, develop Christlike character, and lead a lifestyle that expresses God’s love to others.
5 Month Course
3 Months of Lectures
2 Month Missions Trip
Discipleship Focus
Biblical Worldview
Discipleship Bible School
The Discipleship Bible School (DBS) is designed to introduce recent DTS graduates to studying the Bible. In this course, a student can gain context for the events in the Bible, live out what the Word says, and share that with people around them. By the end of this course, our hope is for you to know God through His Word.
3 Month Course
Read the Whole Bible
Learn the Inductive Method
Discipleship Focus
Foundations for Counseling Ministry
In Foundations for Counseling Ministry (FCM) you will learn the Biblical process of healing and restoration of the spirit and soul. It's a course that's designed to be a time of deep personal growth and to give preparation for future ministry with people so they can experience that same personal growth.
3 Month Course
5 Week Outeach (Optional)
Learn Active Listening
Biblically-based Counseling
Healing and Restoration
Ministry & Leadership Development
The Ministry and Leadership Development school (MLD) is a time where you gain the Biblical leadership training you need to further the call of God on your life. During this time, students are challenged to seek God in their decision making, daily living, and plans for the future. During this time, students are integrated into leadership roles and actively practice what they are learning in lectures. At the end of MLD, students are offerred a 6 month assignment to solidfy their experience.
3 Month Course
6 Month Internship (Optional)
Learn Biblical Leadership
Servant Leadership
Spiritual Discipline
English Learning for Missions
Language is essential to communicate with people. In English Learning for Missions (ELM) we equip students to share the Gospel in one of the world's most common languages. Students are immersed in a community that is focused on spiritual growth and where English is primarily spoken. By the end of ELM, a student will have increased their ability to have speak, hear, read and write in English.
3 Month Course
Learn English
Multicultural Experience
Communication Skills
Bible Core Course (On-Location)
Our Bible Core Course (BCC) is a great option if you want to dive deep into Scripture and travel to the places where it was written. You can gain the same context that the Israelites had by walking their path during their exodus from Egypt, visiting the places along Paul’s missionary journeys and more. While you travel to these places, you will be reading your Bible and learning from world-class Bible teachers.
3 Month Course
Read the Whole Bible
Travel Where It Was Written
Inductive Study Method
In-Depth Study (12 Books)
School of Biblical Studies
The School of Biblical Studies is an intimate time with God where you can take a year to deeply study Scripture and read the whole Bible five times. During this time you will hear from Bible scholars and discover Scripture in incredible ways. Finally, you will learn valuable tools and workflows that equip you to teach the Bible and continue in personal revelation.
12 Month Course
Read the Whole Bible 5 Times
2 Month Outreach
Inductive Study Method
In-Depth Study (66 Books)
Help Us Equip Missionaries
Join us in a move of warmth and compassion towards others as we share the love of Christ with others.